HOUSTON, TX – July 17, 2023 – The Harris County Sheriff’s Office is seeking the public’s help in locating 15-year-old Edith Lozano, who was last seen on July 3, 2023. She was spotted in the 12200 block of Lennox Gardens in north Harris County.

Lozano is described as being 5’6″ tall and weighs approximately 91 lbs. She was last seen wearing black glasses. No additional details about her clothing or possible direction of travel have been provided.

The Harris County Sheriff’s Office and Lozano’s family are extremely concerned for her well-being, given the length of time she has been missing. They are urging anyone with information about Lozano’s whereabouts to come forward.

If you have seen Edith Lozano, or have any information regarding her location, please call the Harris County Sheriff’s Office at 713-755-7427. Alternatively, you can report information anonymously to Crime Stoppers of Houston at 713-222-8477.

This is a time-sensitive matter, and the public’s assistance is crucial. Your help can bring Edith Lozano home safely.

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