Houston, TX – A Houston resident has been charged with invasive visual recording after his then-girlfriend alleged that he recorded their sexual encounters without her consent. The accused, a 45-year-old male, was charged on July 18, 2023, following a police investigation initiated by the victim.

The charge was filed in a Harris County District Court, is related to events that took place on July 9, 2023. The arrest date is to be determined and bail is to be set at the time of magistration.

In an affidavit prepared by a peace officer from the Harris County Precinct 4 Constable’s Office, the probable cause for the charge was detailed. According to the document, the complainant arrived at the precinct on July 13, 2023, to report that the accused, her then-boyfriend, had recorded them having sex at his residence located in Houston without her knowledge or consent.

The complainant stated that on the evening of July 9, she noticed a red light coming from a dresser in the accused’s bedroom. Upon confronting him about the camera, he admitted to having security cameras in his home. Disturbed by the discovery, the complainant left the residence.

According to the affidavit, the complainant returned to the accused’s residence a few days later under the pretense of deleting the video. Instead, she copied the footage onto a flash drive. During this process, she discovered an earlier recording of her and the accused from the afternoon of July 9. The complainant states she had no knowledge of the recording and did not consent to being filmed.

Throughout their eight-month relationship, the complainant expressed to the accused her unwillingness to be filmed during sexual activity, both verbally and through text messages. Despite her objections, the defendant allegedly recorded her intimate moments without her consent.

The felony charge of invasive visual recording carries a sentence of up to two years in jail and a fine of up to $10,000. This case remains under investigation.

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